July 12th
Friday 12th
Walked to Holyrood house in the morning, and after dinner to Dreghorn Castle. a handsome Gothic building of an irregular form, the seat of Alexander Trotter Esqr — the grounds are large and well laid out. surrounded by the Pentland hills, and not far from Collinton. there are some fine woody lanes in the neighbourhood. On my return, found a note from Mr Gray, appointing next Wednesday for my attendance, and desiring a “payment of Twenty Pounds towards the expence.” I took it to Mr Bell’s, he and Mr Hazlitt went out at the back-door as I came in at the front. I gave the message to Mrs Bell who told me, Mr Hazlitt had been to Mr Gray’s, and seemed out of spirits that the affair was postponed till Wednesday. and that he was going down to Leith to enquire about the sailing of the steam-boats. I returned and wrote him a note to inform him of Mr Gray’s demand, and put it in the post myself.